This bibliography is limited to books and articles published before 1995. It is highly selective. For a more detailed bibliography of earlier books and articles, see Biraschi (1981). ALY, WOLFGANG. De Strabonis codice rescripto cuius reliquiae in codicibus Vaticanis Vat. Gr. 2306 et 2061A servatae sunt. Citta del Vaticano, 1956 [Studi e Testi 188]. Strabo's Geography' in W.H. Buckler and W.M. Calder, eds, Anatolian Studies Presented to Sir William Mitchell Ramsay (Manchester University Press, 1923) 1-13. AUJAC, GERMAINE. Strabon et la science de son temps.
di Bibliografia 1469-1978. BOWERSOCK, GLEN W. 'Strabo.' CHCL 1 (1985) 642-43 and 857-58. (CHCL 1 = Cambridge History of Classical Literature vol.1, eds. P.E. Easterling and B.M.W. Knox, Cambridge University Press, 1985). DILLER, AUBREY. The Textual
Tradition of Strabo's Geography. There is a useful index of passages cited. 'Chapter 4: Editions' gives a bibliography of editions from 1516 to 1975. All the 'testimonia' to Strabo and his works are collected, 7-19, 80-95, 164-65. DUBOIS, MARCEL. Examen de la géographie de Strabon. Etude de la methode et des sources.
Geographi Vita. HONIGMANN, ERNST. 'Strabon 3.' RE 4A.1 (1931) cols 76-155. (RE 4A.1 = Pauly's Real-Encyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, second edition revised by Georg Wissowa et al., 1894-1967, second series, seventh half volume). HUXLEY, GEORGE. 'Strabo and Tibios.'
Greek, LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS. 'Strabon.' Der Kleine Pauly vol. 5 (1974) 381-82. LASSERRE, FRANÇOIS. 'Strabon devant l'empire romain' in ANRW 2: 30:1 (1982) 867-96. (ANRW 2: 30:1 = Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt part 2 - Geschichte und Kultur Roms in Spiegel der neueren Forschung vol. 30 - Principat section 1 - Sprache und Literatur, ed.Wolfgang Haase, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1982). MEINEKE, AUGUST. Vindiciarum
Straboniarum Liber. MADDOLI, GIANFRANCO and PRONTERA, FRANCESCO, eds. Strabone. Contributi allo Studio della
Personalita e dell'Opera,
vols 1-2. MEYER, PAUL. 'Quaestiones Strabonianae.' Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie 2 (1879) 49-72. MEYER, PAUL. 'Straboniana' in Karl Schnelle, ed., Jahresbericht der Fürsten- und Landesschule
zu Grimma über das Schuljahr 1889-90,
Grimma, 1890. RADT, S.L. 'Noch Einmal Aischylos, Niobe Fr.162 N.2 (278 M.).' Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 38 (1980) 47-58. RADT, S.L. 'hoi (hai etc.) peri + acc. nominis proprii bei Strabon.' Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 71 (1988) 35-40. See also 'Addendum' in ZPE 74 (1988) 108. RADT, S.L. 'Eine neue Strabonsausgabe'. Mnemosyne 44.3-4 (1991) 306-326. RADT, S.L., and DRIJVERS, J.W. 'Die Groninger Neuedition von Strabons Geographika, vorgestellt anhand des Abschnittes über Troia'. Studia Troica 3 (1993) 201-231. For an abstract, click here. RADT, S.L. 'Aus der Arbeit an der neuen Strabonausgabe'. Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute at NIESE, BENEDICT. 'Beiträge zur Biographie Strabos.' Hermes 13 (1878) 33-45. NIESE, BENEDICT. 'Straboniana.' Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.f. 38 (1883) 567-602. PAIS, ETTORE. 'Intorno al tempo ed al luogo in cui Strabone compose la geografia storica' in idem, Straboniana. Contributo allo studio delle fonti della storia e dell'amministrazione Romana (Turin 1886, reprinted 1977). Republished as Pais (1890), Pais (1908a) and Pais (1920); republished in English translation as Pais (1908b). PAIS, ETTORE. 'Intorno al tempo ed al luogo in cui Strabone compose la geografia storica' in Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torrino, series 2, 40 (1890) 327-60. Earlier published as Pais (1886) and later republished as Pais (1908a) and Pais (1920). Translated into English as Pais (1908b). PAIS, ETTORE. 'Intorno al tempo ed al luogo in cui Strabone compose la geografia storica' in idem,
Richerche storiche e geografiche sull'Italia antica ( PAIS, ETTORE. 'The Time and Place in which Strabo Composed his Historical Geography' in idem,
Ancient PAIS, ETTORE. 'Intorno al tempo ed al luogo in cui Strabone compose la geografia storica' in idem,
Italia Antica. Richerche
di storia e di geografia storica vol 2 ( VAN DER VLIET, E.CH.L. Strabo over Landen,
Volken en Steden. Gorcum, 1977. |