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Updated July 2015

The following are studies of regions contained within Strabo’s Geography. Works for each region are grouped as follows: first, editions; secondly, commentaries; thirdly, detailed studies of specific passages/places. Entries within each group are listed in reverse chronological order.

Books 3-4 (Iberia and Celtica)

TROTTA, FRANCESCO (1996, second edition 2000), ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia. Iberia e Gallia. Books 3-4. Milan: Bibliotheca Universale Rizzoli [BUR Classici Greci e Latini]. Greek text (based on Lasserre 1966) and Italian translation, with introduction and notes.

SCHULTEN, A, ed. and tr. 1952. Estrabón. Geografia de Iberia. Edicion, traduccion y

commentario. Book 3. Barcelona. [Fontes Hispaniae Antiquae 6].

ESPELOSÍN, JAVIER GÓMEZ, tr. 2007. Estrabón: Geografia de Iberia. Presentaciones,

notas y commentarios de Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti, Marco V. García Quintela y Javier Gómez Espelosín. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


GARCÍA Y BELLIDO, A., tr. 1945. España y los Españoles hace dos mil años según la

Geografía de Strábon.  Second edition. Buenos Aires [Colección Austral]. Spanish translation of Book 3, with commentary on facing page. Bellido additionally (232-288) provides translations of, and commentary on, passages from Books 1-2 and 4-17 that deal with Spain.


CANTO, ALICIA. 2001. ‘Sinoicismo y stolati en Emerita, Caesaraugusta y Pax:

Una relectura de Estrabón 3.2.15,’ Gerión 19: 423-476. The author argues for the retention of the term stolavtoi found at 3.2.15 and, in Canto’s view, unnecessarily emended by Kramer (1844-52). For an English abstract, click here and scroll down the page.

CRUZ ANDREOTTI, GONZALO. 1999. Estrabón e Iberia : nuevas perspectivas de estudio.

Universidad de Málaga.

THOLLARD, PATRICK. 1987. Barbarie et civilisation chez Strabon. Étude critique des

livres 3 et 4 de la Géographie. Paris: Les Belles Lettres [Centre de recherches d'Histoire ancienne 77].

DIRKZWAGER, A. 1975. Strabo über Gallia Narbonensis. Leiden. Commentary on Book 4.1.


Books 5-6 (Italy and Sicily)


BIFFI, NICOLA (2006) ed. and tr. Magna Grecia e dintorni. Book 5.4.3 – Book 6.3.11. Bari: Edipuglia [Quaderni di ‘Invigilata Lucernis’ 28]. Greek text (based on Radt 2003) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary.

BIFFI, NICOLA (1988) ed. and tr. L’Italia di Strabone. Books 5-6. University of Genoa: Dipartimento di Archeologia, Filologia Classica e Loro Tradizioni. Greek text (based on Lasserre 1967, with variations as noted on pp xc-xci) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary.

BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA (1988, fifth edition 2001) ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia. L’Italia. Books 5-6. Milan: Bibliotheca Universale Rizzoli [BUR Classici Greci e Latini]. Greek text (based on Sbordone 1970) and Italian translation, with introduction and notes.


MADDOLI, GIANFRANCO, ed. 1988. Strabone e l’Italia antica. Naples [Incontri

Perugini di storia della storiografia antica e sul mondo antico 2].

MUSTI, DOMENICO. 1988. Strabone e la Magna Graecia. Città e popoli dell’Italia antica.


Book 7 (Macedonia and Thrace)

WALBANK, FRANK. 2002. ‘The Via Egnatia: Its Role in Roman Strategy,’ Journal

of Ancient Topography 12: 7-18. Walbank includes discussion (10-12) of the Strabonian evidence.

Books 8-10 (Hellas)

BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA (1992, second edition 2000), ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia. Il Peloponneso. Book 8. Milan: Bibliotheca Universale Rizzoli [BUR Classici Greci e Latini]. Greek text (based on Baladié 1978) and Italian translation, with introduction and notes.


BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA, ed. 1994. Strabone e la Grecia. Naples [Studi di storia e di


BALADIÉ, RAOUL, 1980. Le Péloponnèse de Strabon. Étude de géographie historique. Paris.

LIPPMAN, MICHAEL. 2004. ‘Strabo 10.2.4 and the Synoecism of ‘Newer’ Pleuron,’

Hesperia 73 (2004): 497-512. Lippman shows how a misreading of Strabo 10.2.4 has led to a misreading of the history of Pleuron; and provides a useful appendix on Strabo’s use of sunoikivzw.  

Books 11-14 (Asia Minor)

NICOLAI, ROBERTO; TRAINA, GIUSTO (2000), eds and trs. Strabone. Geografia.

Il Caucaso e l'Asia Minore. Books 11-12. Milan: Bibliotheca Universale Rizzoli [BUR Classici Greci e Latini]. Greek text (based on Lasserre 1975 and 1981, with variations noted on pp 31-4) and Italian translation, with introduction and notes; index of personal names and index of names of places and peoples.

TRAINA, GIUSTO, ed. 2001. Studi sull’ XI libro dei Geographika di Strabone. Con la

collaborazione di Alessio Antonio De Siena e Bernadette Tisé [Studi di Filologia e Letteratura 6]. Galatina (Lecce): Congedo Editore. For a review, see BMCR 2003.01.25.

BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA, and SALMERI, GIOVANNI, eds. 2000. Strabone e l’Asia

Minore, Atti del Convegno Perugia, La Colombella, 25-28 maggio 1997. Naples. Orders may be sent to: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (ESI), Via Chiatamone 7 80121, Naples, Italy. For a review, see BMCR 2001.12.15.

SYME (1995).

FRANCO, C. 2006. ‘Tarso tra Antonio e Ottaviano (Strabone 14.5.14),’ in Traina (2006):



Book 15 (India)

BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 2005. L’Estremo Oriente di Strabone. Book 15. Bari: Edipuglia [Quaderni di ‘Invigilata Lucernis’ 26]. Greek text (based on Meineke 1853 and Radt 2005, with some variations as noted on p.37) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary.

Book 16 (Middle-East)

BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 2002. Il medio oriente di Strabone. Book 16. Bari: Edipuglia [Quaderni di ‘Invigilata Lucernis’ 19]. Greek text (based on Meineke 1853) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary. For an online review, see BMCR 2003.09.24. To order a copy, go to the publisher’s website.

Book 17 (Egypt and Africa)

BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 1999. L’Africa di Strabone. Book 17. Modugno: Edizioni dal Sud [Quaderni di Invigilata Lucernis 7]. Greek text (based on Meineke 1853, with variations noted on p. 6) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary.