Updated July 2015 The following are studies of regions contained within Strabo’s Geography. Works for each region are grouped as follows: first, editions; secondly, commentaries; thirdly, detailed studies of specific passages/places. Entries within each group are listed in reverse chronological order. Books 3-4 ( TROTTA, FRANCESCO (1996, second edition
2000), ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia. SCHULTEN, A, ed. and tr. 1952. Estrabón. Geografia de Iberia. Edicion, traduccion y commentario. Book 3. ESPELOSÍN, JAVIER GÓMEZ, tr. 2007. Estrabón: Geografia de Iberia. Presentaciones, notas y commentarios de Gonzalo
Cruz Andreotti, Marco V. García Quintela y Javier Gómez Espelosín. GARCÍA Y BELLIDO, A., tr. 1945. España y los Españoles hace dos mil años según la Geografía de Strábon.
Second edition. CANTO, ALICIA. 2001. ‘Sinoicismo y stolati en Emerita, Caesaraugusta y Pax: Una relectura de Estrabón 3.2.15,’ Gerión 19: 423-476. The author argues for the retention of the term stolavtoi found at 3.2.15 and, in Canto’s view, unnecessarily emended by Kramer (1844-52). For an English abstract, click here and scroll down the page. CRUZ ANDREOTTI, GONZALO. 1999. Estrabón e Universidad de Málaga. THOLLARD, PATRICK. 1987. Barbarie et civilisation chez Strabon. Étude critique des livres 3 et 4 de la Géographie.
DIRKZWAGER, A. 1975. Strabo über Gallia Narbonensis.
Books 5-6 ( BIFFI, NICOLA (2006) ed. and tr. Magna Grecia e dintorni. Book 5.4.3 – Book 6.3.11. BIFFI, NICOLA (1988) ed. and tr. L’Italia di
Strabone. Books 5-6. BIRASCHI,
ANNA MARIA (1988, fifth edition 2001) ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia.
L’Italia. Books 5-6. MADDOLI, GIANFRANCO, ed. 1988. Strabone e
l’Italia antica. Perugini di storia della storiografia antica e sul mondo antico 2]. MUSTI, DOMENICO. 1988. Strabone e la Book 7 ( WALBANK, FRANK. 2002. ‘The Via Egnatia: Its Role in Roman Strategy,’ Journal of Ancient Topography 12: 7-18. Walbank includes discussion (10-12) of the Strabonian evidence. Books 8-10 ( BIRASCHI,
ANNA MARIA (1992, second edition 2000), ed. and tr. Strabone. Geografia.
Il Peloponneso. Book 8.
BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA, ed. 1994. Strabone e la Grecia.
storiografia]. BALADIÉ, RAOUL, 1980. Le
Péloponnèse de Strabon. Étude de géographie historique. LIPPMAN, MICHAEL. 2004. ‘Strabo 10.2.4 and the Synoecism of ‘Newer’ Pleuron,’ Hesperia 73 (2004): 497-512. Lippman shows how a misreading of Strabo 10.2.4 has led to a misreading of the history of Pleuron; and provides a useful appendix on Strabo’s use of sunoikivzw. Books 11-14 ( NICOLAI, ROBERTO; TRAINA, GIUSTO (2000), eds and trs. Strabone. Geografia. Il Caucaso e l'Asia Minore. Books 11-12. TRAINA, GIUSTO, ed. 2001. Studi sull’ XI libro dei Geographika di Strabone. Con la collaborazione di Alessio
Antonio De Siena e Bernadette Tisé [Studi di Filologia e Letteratura 6].
Galatina ( BIRASCHI, ANNA MARIA, and SALMERI, GIOVANNI, eds. 2000. Strabone e l’Asia Minore, Atti del Convegno
Perugia, La Colombella, 25-28 maggio 1997. SYME (1995). 313-339. Book 15 ( BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 2005. L’Estremo
Oriente di Strabone. Book 15. Book 16 (Middle-East) BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 2002. Il medio oriente di
Strabone. Book 16. Book 17 ( BIFFI, NICOLA, ed. and tr. 1999. L’Africa di Strabone. Book 17. Modugno: Edizioni dal Sud [Quaderni di Invigilata Lucernis 7]. Greek text (based on Meineke 1853, with variations noted on p. 6) and Italian translation, with introduction and commentary. |